Magnesium Benefits Everyone: Especially Endurance Athletes!

Endurance athletes utilize and require 20-30% more magnesium to effectively maximize the cellular and metabolic functions in our bodies.
Clinical evidence points to our society being 70%+ deficient in this mineral alone due to: high stress levels, soil erosion, limited farming crop rotation, mineral depleted soils, adverse events caused by the use of poorly absorbed Magnesium forms.
The leading clinical mineral research company Albion Minerals predicts; based on the understanding of how Magnesium is utilized in the body, Magnesium will be a critical factor in our health comparable; and parallel to Calcium.
Since Magnesium and Calcium both work together metabolically, the evidence is telling us many disease states: cardiovascular, mental health, reduced isulin sensitivity, are associated to magnesium deficiency.
Magnesium is becoming a mainstream; MUST HAVE, mineral.
Why is our Society Magnesium Deficient?
It is a soil to table conundrum.

There are many articles and clinical studies indicating this societal deficit and below is a concise easy to read overview of how magnesium affects the body.
The physiological underlying issue as also an absorption factor. Absorption meaning: How much of a mineral is entering into our bodies through our GI, under stressful, unhealthy and inefficient conditions? Our evolution as humans and our adaptability to various environments is a genetic marvel, and is under constant review and discoveries.
With continuous scientific discoveries researchers have understood how the body absorbs macro and micro nutrients to include: Protein, Fats, Carbs, Vitamins and Minerals.
To focus on minerals; our bodies need 'the perfect storm' to enable an 'inorganic' mineral to be converted to a 'recognizable organic' mineral form. Inorganic minerals have no carbon bond. The body does not recognize inorganic minerals as efficiently as those that have a carbon bond. Our natural digestion process reconfigures inorganic minerals into organic minerals enabling the mineral to piggyback into the intestinal track and allows for an enhanced upload optimization.
Literally a “Perfect Storm" of intestinal conditions are necessary to make this happen.
This perfect storm includes the following stomach and intestinal conditions: optimal pH levels, food substances, amino acids, gastric emptying, healthy intestinal tract, non- inflammatory intestinal conditions.
Any of the above conditions being out of optimal range reduces the 'conversion conditions' limiting mineral absorption.
For the sake of the mineral Magnesium; the major side effect of unabsorbed Magnesium is 'laxation'. The hygroscopic (attracts water) nature of magnesium means that if the mineral is not absorbed while in the intestinal tract the mineral pulls water into the intestines from the body, creating an abundance of fluid in the intestines and the need to pass fecal matter. Laxation is a.k.a. diarrhea.
This is why 'inorganic' forms of Magnesium (Magnesium Oxide, Magnesium Sulfate, Magnesium Citrate) are used in colon cleanse products and or products relating to constipation.
What is the best Magnesium and why?
HydraMag® uses a patented Amino Acid Activated TRAACS® Magnesium Lysinate Glycinate Chelate is 'pre-converted' to an organic form is easily recognized and absorbed by our intestinal tract; reducing the immediate 'laxation' side effects, and effectively absorbing the Magnesium. 

Once our bodies are efficiently 'topped off' with adequate stores of magnesium, the body begins effectively utilizes the mineral for metabolic requirements, increasing enzyme activity, hormone regulation, internal cellular fluid balance. They metabolic balances allows our digestive systems to slowly bring more fluids into the intestinal pathway with the result of seeing a normal
change to fecal matter.

This metabolic shift occurs in approximately 2-3 weeks using 300mg daily and may be longer if Magnesium RBC stores are in the 3-5 range.
The most common benefits from elevating Magnesium is better emotional health, better sleep, consistent heart beats, reduced blood pressure, eliminated leg and abdominal cramping.