What is a Mineral Chelate? Do Mineral Chelates Make a Performance Difference?

Why does MOXiLIFE® Nutrition includes mineral chelates in our Formulations?


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Let’s cut to the quick.

  • Up to 6x higher in absorption = Efficiency
  • 100% Nutrient dense: Added Amino Acids
  • Gentle on the Gut: Very Tolerable 
  • Clinically Validated: In Vivo and In Vitro Studies
  • Nano sized for cell membrane permeability.

It is all about the structure and “form” of a mineral/electrolyte that makes the end result utilization difference: kinda like swimming, cycling & running.

Bad form= Less than optimal results 

The patented ‘Amino Acid Activated ‘Mineral technology was developed by Albion Minerals

These minerals are designed to maximize absorption by bonding an amino acid to the mineral; making an organic ‘mineral chelate’. This  patented process is also Known as a ‘ sustainable delivery system’. This delivery system makes the mineral up to 6 x more absorbable ,then non-chelated (inorganic) minerals.

Most sports nutrition products contain inorganic forms; Magnesium oxide; calcium carbonate, potassium chloride, carbonyl iron etc.

Inorganic Minerals = Wasted Energy:

The body needs to convert inorganic minerals into ‘organic’ minerals for the body to recognize, then absorb.

We know there is a better use of your energy other than converting minerals into absorbable forms. Your cells are doing their best to keep harmony and maintain a ‘homeostatic’ or ‘balanced’ environment. The cells are struggling enough with the limits of endurance training and racing.

TRAACS® endurance minerals are more, efficient and effective, for metabolic needs. We don’t see an effective use of your cellular energy put into converting a mineral into a ‘usable’ form, when it can be entirely put towards ATP energy conversion. 

Chelated Mineral KEY Benefits aways:

  1. Absorbed higher and a More Efficient ‘delivery’ system
  2. No GI issues when used while training and racing, and when used as directed 
  3. Added amino acids for brain function and muscle regeneration
  4. Chelate mineral forms do not compete with other minerals or active components of foods.
  5. Can be taken on an empty stomach
  6. Do not irritate the stomach lining
  7. The mineral chelates MOXiLIFE® Nutrition uses are hypoallergenic and do not use amino acids derived from soy, or rice proteins.

MOXiLIFE targeted the minerals that are commonly most deficient in endurance athletes, both male and female. 

Top 2 deficient minerals are Iron & Magnesium

Based on information shared from blood testing facilities and general meta data, we formulated  our products with Iron and Magnesium in mind.

Iron deficiency is a global issue and Magnesium more centralized to North America and specific areas in the UK and EU.

Let’s start with Magnesium because of its numerous critical requirements to athletic specific needs, and physiological functions.


Although, ALL minerals are important; we find that Magnesium is a precursor to an excess of 600+ metabolic processes, cellular & enzymatic functions, and has significant impact on health and peak performance.

Magnesium is vital for the conversion of muscle glycogen to glucose, your body’s fuel during intense exercise, as it is needed to generate ATP (adenosine triphosphate) energy.

Magnesium also is critical for muscle function and is the antagonist to Calcium. Calcium supports the contraction function of muscles while magnesium supports the relaxation or lengthening of muscle tissue and fiber. For endurance athletes a deficiency in this mineral that can make or break a podium spot, cause a DNF, cause electrolyte cellular malfunction, excessive salt loss and hypokalemia.

Cramping is associated with the imbalances of muscle fiber, minerals deficiency, and neurological impulses. There are many schools of thoughts regarding the rational of muscle cramping however TRAACS® Magnesium has shown greater reduction in the reoccurrence of leg cramps as compared to inorganic Magnesium forms without GI issues.

The organic Magnesium form as TRAACS® Magnesium bisglycinate chelate has been clinically evaluated as better tolerated and higher absorbed.

One Magnesium study was conducted in a more metabolic demanding environment; being, the biochemistry of pregnant women. Results showing up to a 50% reduction of leg cramping.

The last thing an athlete needs is to have GI issues i.e. diarrhea leading to additional dehydration, during training and racing.

For an Endurance Athlete, Magnesium supports the intracellular electrolyte regulation of the sodium potassium pump. The synergistic effects of Potassium, Sodium, Chloride, Phosphorus, and Magnesium all require a homeostatic/balanced environment within the cell, to support the electrolytes crossing into and out of the cells.


Iron is the second most deficient micronutrient.

Iron is another mineral that is in high demand because of athletic demands on the body chemistry and is a mineral that is deficient on a global scale. 

Iron is involved with making blood, and critical enzymes required for the body to function. 

Female athletes, during their monthly cycles experience blood losses, leading to  mental and physical fatigue.  Hormones are fluctuating, & the need for added blood oxygenation, and micronutrient delivery is not only required, it is essential. 

Most Iron products on the market are formulated with inorganic iron, or non chelated due to the availability and expenses incurred wiht manufacturing 





At MOXi Nutrition, we are passionate about transforming the health and well-being of athletes and individuals through scientifically validated, high-quality nutrition solutions. Our mission is to enhance performance and recovery with effective, bioavailable nutrients you can trust. We are committed to providing full transparency and empowering our customers to take control of their health.

 Dr. Julie Cajolet-Eckhardt, Psy.D., MA, LCP Stock Photo Used by Moxi Nutrition